
師匠Smt. Shobana Bhalchandra

師匠Shobana Bhalchandra氏は、パドマ・ブーシャンを受賞したDhananjayansのもとで幼い頃からカラクシェトラスタイルを学ぶ。アビナヤをさらに学ぶため、Kalanidhi Narayanan氏に師事。1980年代前半から師匠Dhananjayansの舞踊学校Bharata Kalanjaliにて指導を開始。1988年にCoimbatoreにて舞踊学校Tharangineeを開き、500人以上の生徒を指導。現在はBharata Kalanjaliにてcreative directorとして後進の育成に努め、自身も国内外でダンサーとして幅広く活躍している。

Shobana Bhalchandra is the youngest of the renowned Trio Sisters of Chennai. A seasoned and versatile artiste, she is also recognized as the senior Bharathanatyam “Guru”.

One of the early disciples of the famous dance duo,Dhananjayans, Shobanaa was trained in the popular Kalakshetra style. She went on to complement this with an extensive study of Abhinaya under Smt.Kalanidhi Narayanan. In her quest for all round excellence, Shobana underwent professional training in classical music as well as Nattuvangam. Her dedication to this art form is also evident by the fact that she opted for a career in performing and teaching this art form, despite having a masters in management.

In the early 80s, Shobanaa started her teaching stint at her Alma Mater, Bharatha Kalanjali. She started her own school in

Coimbatore in 1988. More than 500 students have learnt underthis roof. today many of shobanaa's students are teachers in their own right in different corners of the world.

Recently she has merger her school Tharanginee with her alma mater